304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Category Useful

How Does a Water Dispenser Hot Water?

Most Hot/Cold Water dispensers have a electricheating coil that will very rapidly heat the water that flows through it. … The water is preheated in a special separate container and stays there at nearlyboiling temperature. That’s why it takes no time at…

Why Choose Lemon Water for Yourself?

There are many other benefits that this delicious yellow fruit packs in with a punch. As a matter of fact, Now that everyone’s economy is getting more and more abundant, the living conditions are getting better and better. Meat used…

Do You Know the Water Cycle?

Introduction The water cycle refers to water on different parts of the earth, changing the state to another place on the earth by absorbing the energy of the sun. For example, the moisture on the ground is evaporated by the…

Can Water Dispensers Get Mold?

As we all know, getting Rid Of Mold on Water Dispensers. Mold is a health hazard and can easily accumulate on water dispensers. Mold not only gives off a foul odor, but it can also spread bacteria and germs. The…

Do Water Dispensers Need to be Cleaned?

Nowadays, many people are used to drink water by using water dispenser which is fast and convenient. But the question is do water dispensers need to be cleaned? In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy recommendscleaning the cooler with every change of…